

📌 Reduced-order Koopman-based modeling and robust predictive control
📌 Learning-enabled hybrid modeling and economic model predictive control
📌 Deep DeePC: Data-enabled predictive control with low or no online optimization using deep learning + Source code


🔬 Machine learning based modeling
🔬 Model predictive control
🔬 Data-enabled predictive control
🔬 Cross-entropy method


✨ Reactor-separator process
✨ Gene regulatory network
✨ Shipboard post-combustion carbon capture process


💼 deepctools for data-enabled predictive control

💼 modlinear for model linearization

💼 QYtool for research needs


🥳 QiYuan Hospital



🎮 Don't Starve Together

  Interesting notes

This project is the source code of paper Deep DeePC: Data-enabled predictive control with low or no online optimization using deep learning by X. Zhang, K. Zhang, Z. Li, and X. Yin.

The objective of this work is to learn the DeePC operator using a neural network and bypass the online optimization of conventional DeePC for efficient online implementation.

If you are using this work in your research or teaching, please include explicit acknowledge of this work and of our paper.

Please check the sections of License and Citation at the end.


Source code: link

A wrapped useful tool package designed for research purposes, tailored specifically for my own research needs.

Introduction: link

PyPI site: link

A wrapped package to linearize the nonlinear continuous/discrete model. Including numerical and symbolic calculations.

Github project: link

PyPI: link

Introduction to how to upload your own package project to PyPI.

Introduction to my developed deepctools toolbox for data-enabled predictive control.

Github project: link

PyPI site: link

Try to learn the Jekyll and take some notes

Some useful information on MATLAB plot

Notes on CasADi, especially the usage of variables in CasADi

 Have a look of the world inside my eyes

Shot by GRIIIx.

  Artworks maybe?

My logo artworks.

Some black ideas.

Messy plots.

Timeline of posts